Commander, Lt Trojas, who is decorated with the Cruz Servicio Distinguido and the War of Liberation Campaign Medal.
In country, TF Rojas consists of twenty Det A personnel, charged with carrying out the Unconventional Warfare/Direct Action Mission, and twenty Det B personnel, charged with the Foreign Internal Defense mission (to train the Cronistrian Democratic Militia). Only the Det A personnel will be tracked. There are also TF Trojas personnel in a cover forward location in Italy, and rear echelon at their base in Guantanamo.
Team 6-1
Lt "Mikey" Trojas (Capt Price fig)
SSgt "Chick" Alfaro (Ballcap fig)
Sgt "Rolly" Balzan (G36 fig)
KIA (Halt fig)
Sgt "Badger" Canales (Skullcap fig), PH (C4)
Team 6-2
MSgt "Tico" Benitez, WIA, rtn 29 Apr 90, PH (C7) (Tactical moving)
SSgt "Bear" Duarte, WIA, rtn 23 Apr 90, PH (C6) (Kneeling bush)
EVACUATED, (Sitting back bush)
KIA (Kneeling G36)
Sgt "Skate" Corrello, WIA rtn 3 May 90, PH (C4) (Firing up)
Team 6-3
GySgt "Turk" Dos Santos (Firing 416)
SSgt "Rock" Betancourt (SAW), WIA, rtn 1 May 90, PH (C9)
Sgt "Panda" Catalan (Moving M-4), WIA rtn 29 Apr 90, Rcvd Estrella de Bronce (C1), PH (C7)
Sgt "Bolt" Echevarria (DMR green))
Team 6-4
SFC "Rooey" Contreras (Cross body carry)

SSgt "Blade" Escalante (Sighting in), Rcvd Cruz Servicio Distinguido (C2), WIA, rtn 24 Apr 90, PH (C9)
EVACUATED (Alert carry)
Sgt "Redrum" Bello (Ready carry), Rcvd Estrella de Bronce (C9)
Sgt "Goss" Gallegos (DMR tan)
Sgt "Willow" Caballo (Team 6-3, C1), KIA, Corazon Purpura (PH), Cronistria Camp. Medal (CCM)
Sgt "Shady" Fonseca (Team 6-4, C2), WIA, Evacuated to Cuba, PH, CCM
Sgt "Hammer" Escalona (Team 6-2, C3), KIA, PH, CCM
Sgt "Slate" Delacruz (Team 6-1, C5), KIA, PH, CCM
Sgt "Blue" Beltran (Team 6-2, C7) WIA, Evacuated to Cuba, PH, CCM
Estrella de Plata
Cruz Servicio Distinguido
Medall de Honor
Corazon Purpura