Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the Commanding General of the Cuban Liberation Army:
Generalissimo Jerico Waraldonez
1st Airborne Infantry Battalion, Commanding Officer: Colonel Bartolo Lucastro, decorated F3: Estrella de Bronce. WIA F11, Out for Campaign
Acting Commanding Officer, 1st Airborne Infantry Battalion: Captain Olejandro
Commander, A Co, 1st AB Bn: Captain Banos

Acting Commander, B Co, 1st AB Bn: Sgt Villagrosa, decorated for valor (F11) with Estrella de Plata

Commander, C Co, 1st AB Inf: Capt DeNostro, awarded the Estrella de Bronce and Corazon Purpura, KIA (F30).

Sergeant Pena, Team 1, C Co, 1st AB Bn, awarded the Estrella de Bronce and Corazon Purpura (F30).
2nd Airborne Infantry Battalion, Commanding Officer: Colonel Salvino Carreno, WIA F4. Decorated for valor with the Estrella de Bronce (F20).
Commander, E Co, 2nd AB Inf Bn: Captain Halabrio, decorated F4, Estrella de Plata
Commander, F Co, 2nd AB Inf Bn: Captain Guerrero
Commander, G Co, 2nd AB Inf Bn: Captain Cuervesco, awarded the Medall de Honor (F14), dubbed "El Diablo de El Rincon"

Sergeant Trojas, Team 3, G Co, 2nd Airborne Battalion, awarded the Cruz Servicio Distinguido (F14).
3rd Infantry Battalion, Commanding Officer: Colonel Malusio Galban
Commander, 1st Marine Co, 3rd Inf Bn: Captain Benavides
Commander, B Co, 3rd Inf Bn: Captain Torrencio
Commander, C Co, 3rd Inf Bn: Capt Cruze, WIA (F23), out for campaign.

Acting Commander, C Co, 3rd Inf Bn: Lieutenant Muniz

Acting Commander, C Co, 3rd Inf Bn: Lieutenant Muniz
4th Infantry Battalion, Commanding Officer: Colonel Cledado Estavante, awarded the Medall de Honor (F15), dubbed "El Leon de El Sandino" Awarded the Estrella de Plata and Corazon Purpura (F26).

Commander, E Co, 4th Inf Bn: Captain Cannastria
Commander, F Co, 4th Inf Bn: Captain Chavez, decorated for valor with the Estrella de Plata, WIA, out for campaign (F26).

Sgt Espinale, Team 4, F Co, 4th Inf Bn, decorated for valor with the Estrella de Bronce, WIA, out for campaign (F26).
Commander, 1st Air Assault Co, 4th Inf Bn: Captain Bronchovio, decorated for valor with the Estrella de Bronce (F15).

Sgt Guillardo, 1st Air Assault Co, 4th Inf Bn, awarded the Cruz Servicio Distinguido (F15).

Sgt Segovia, 1st Air Assault Co, 4th Inf Bn, decorated for valor with the Estrella de Bronce (F15).
5th Tank Battalion, Commanding Officer: Colonel Miguel Colavantes, decorated for valor with the Estrella d Plata, KIA (F26).

5th Tank Battalion, Acting Commanding Officer: Captain Solar, decorated for valor with the Estrella de Plata (F23). Three tank kills (F23; T1 also got one). WIA (F23).
Commander, 1 Troop, 5th Tank Bn: Captain Fordesante, WIA (F26), WIA (F27), out for campaign. (1 TK, F27)

Acting Commander, 1 Troop, 5th Tank Bn: Sgt Barrientes

Acting Commander, 2 Troop, 5th Tank Bn: Sergeant Aguilera
Commander, 3 Troop, 5th Tank Bn: Captain Basilone (1 TK, F25)
6th Infantry Battalion, Commanding Officer: Colonel Ricardo Colvasquez, decorated F7: Estrella de Bronce.
Decorated F12: Cruz Servicio Distinguido
Decorated F12: Cruz Servicio Distinguido

Commander, A Co, 6th Inf Bn: Captain Pilar-soto
Commander, B Co, 6th Inf Bn: Captain Rolando

Team 3, B Co, 6th Inf Bn: Sgt Madre-Animral, decorated with Estrella de Bronce for knocking out two enemy tanks (F25).

Commander, 2nd Marine Co, 6th Inf Bn: Captain Spirovales, decorated F7, Estrella de Plata

Sergeant Trevino, Team 3, 2ns Marine Company, 6th Infantry Battalion, awarded the CLA's highest honor for gallantry, the Medall de Honor, and meritoriously promoted to Lieutenant (F29).
7th Infantry Battalion, Commanding Officer: Colonel Tomas Barnejesus, WIA F17.

Commander, Co E, 7th Inf Bn: Captain Michoacana
Commander, 2nd Air Assault Co, 7th Inf Bn: Captain Wallestre, WIA F17.
Commander, G Co, 7th Inf Bn: Captain Cubio
8th Popular Force Battalion, Commanding Officer: Colonel Eugenio Habanera, decorated for valor (F13).
Commander, A Co, 8th PF Bn: Captain Welasquez
Commander, B Co, 8th PF Bn: Captain Muertosa
Commander, C Co, 8th PF Bn: Captain Talamantes, decorated for valor with the Estrella de Bronce (F19).

9th Popular Force Battalion, Commanding Officer: Binyamin Bustamante, awarded the Cruz Servicio Distinguido (F16). He was wounded in F16 and captured by the enemy.

Acting Commander, 9th Popular Force Battalion: Captain Captain Elias (brother of Col Elias)

Acting Commander, E Co, 9th PF Bn: Sergeant Aponte

Acting Commander, E Co, 9th PF Bn: Sergeant Aponte

Commander, F Co, 9th PF Bn: Captain Ballesteros, KIA (F24).

Acting Commander, F Co, 9th PF Bn: Sgt Ordonez

F Co, Team 4: Sergeant Caballero, awarded Estrella de Plata (F24), Corazon Purpura (F24), out for campaign.

Acting Commander, G Co, 9th PF Bn: Sgt Huerta

Commander, I Co, 10th PF Bn: Captain Ermera KIA F10

Acting Commander, I Co, 10th PF Bn, Sgt Deppinosa
Commander, K Co, 10th PF Bn, Captain Fulgencio, decorated for valor with the Cruz Servicio Distinguido (F28), WIA (F28).

Sergeant Soares, Team 5, K Company, 10th PF Bn, decorated for valor with the Estrella de Plata (F28).
Commander, L Co, 10th PF Bn: Captain Reynaldo
CLA Special Operations, Commanding Officer: Colonel Donalo Quilveras
Commander, A Squadron: Captain Stelosavo
Commander, B Squadron: Captain Villanueva, decorated for gallantry with the Estrella de Bronce and Corazon Purpura (F9, Out for Campaign).
Sgt Estevez, B Sqdn, decorated F1: Estrella de Bronce.
Commander, C Squadron: Captain Bosanova, awarded the Estrella de Bronce and Corazon Purpura (F31).

CLA Unconventional Warfare Group, Commanding Officer: Colonel Hector Huistrella, Decorated for valro with the Cruz Servicio Distinguido (F18). Decorated for valor with the Estrella de Bronce and Corazon Purpura (F22). Awarded the Corazon Purpura (F32).
Commander, A Co: Captain Kalabera; decorated for valor with the Estrella de Plata and Corazon Purpura (F22).
Commander, B Co: Captain Galban (son of Col Galban), awarded the Estrella de Bronce and Corazon Purpura, KIA (F32).
Commander, C Co: Captain Gonzalez, KIA F18.

Acting Commander, C Co: Sgt Gouveia, decorated with the Estrella de Plata and Corazon Purpura (F18).

Estrella de Plata
Cruz Servicio Distinguido
Medall de Honor
Corazon Purpura