Monday, May 25, 2020

Operation Chunky Bandit Mini-Campaign Turn 2


This post is to show the campaign map and moves for Turn 2.

Here's what the map looked like at the end of Turn 1:

And after the map moves were made for Turn 2:

Here's what happened:

FSNL1: Passed through FSNL3 to attack SLA D Company, C4 from A4
FSNL2: Hold, A5
FSNL3: Hold, B4
FSNL4: Hold, E4
FSNL5: Attack TF Redleg, F4 from F3 (an interesting development as TF Redleg had just kicked them out of F3 last turn!)
FSNL6: Hold, B7
FSNL7: Moves west to plug the line, D4 from D6
FSNL8: Hold, C8
FSNL9: Hold, D12
FLA1: Moved west, looking to outflank the Allies, A1 from A3
FLA2: Hold, in a fight with TF Hawk/Dusty, D3
FLA3: Attack TF Razor, F5 from E6
FLA4: Hold, A10
FLA5: Hold, D10
FLA6: Hold, E12

SLA A Co/TF23: Hold, B6
SLA B Co/TF23: Hold, C5
SLA C Co/TF Black: Hold, B5
SLA D Co/TF23: Defend against attack by FSNL1, C4
TF Hammer: Attack FSNL3, B4 from C3
TF Hawk/Dusty: Hold, in a fight with FLA2, D3
TF Bowie: Pursue and attack FSNL4, E4 from E3 in E3, from D1
TF Redleg: Defend against attack by FSNL5, F4
TF Razor: Unable to move because TF Redleg engaged, attacked from by FLA3, F5

So here we go, six more fights coming up in Turn 2.


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